Results of Western Area Officer Elections

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The voting results are in and have been tabulated.  Congratulations are extended to the following WMHA winners. Senior VP: Dave Franke, Secretary: Incumbent Carole Hazeltine, Treasurer: Dale Ford, Northern Region VP: James McDaniel, Central Region VP: Rick Ammerman and Southern Region VP: Jesse Bassford. Bob Golk was elected earlier by the FMCA Governing Board to the office of Western Area President and National Area Vice President, Western. Congratulations!

I would like to sincerely thank the following officers who have termed out after serving two 2-year outstanding terms: Kurt Simon, Treasurer; Steve Shade, Northern Region VP; Fred Wells, Central Region VP.  You all have served WMHA well with your generous time and effort for the last four years…for this we are so Very grateful!  Thank you