Chapter Dissolved January 2020
Scope: Western Area
Region: South
Description: The Rexasaurus’ Chapter of FMCA was formed in 1997 to promote social recreational information, exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member coaches. To be eligible for membership in the chapter a person must be in good standing with FMCA and meet the dues requirements and provisions set forth in the Bylaws and Standing Rules of this chapter. Our club meets every month excluding the months of July and August. Outings are normally held the first week of each month. Our outings extend from as far north as Pahrump, Nevada to as far south as the San Diego area. We are a fun group of people who enjoy traveling in our motorhomes. Our outings usually include afternoon social gatherings, at least one evening potluck as well as lots of sightseeing and card playing.
This Chapter information, along with contact information is posted on the FMCA website It is to be used only for chapter related inquiries. Any other use of this information is expressly prohibited.