FMCA Announces Dates for Future RV Expos

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CINCINNATI (PRWEB) December 13, 2019 — Preparations are in the works and registrations are coming in strong for the FMCA RV Club’s 101st International Convention and RV Expo —“Sunsets + Saguaros” — set to take place at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson, Arizona, March 26 through 29, 2020.The RV owners association, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, also has announced plans for the 102nd International Convention and RV Expo. Members will flock to the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, August 26 through 29, 2020. This will be the first international convention the RV owners’ group has conducted in the state of Nebraska. “We’re excited to be adding a new state to the list of those that have hosted an FMCA International Convention and RV Expo,” said FMCA national president Jon Walker. “Nebraska will be the 34th state on the list. The Lancaster Event Center is a first-class facility that should meet our needs well.” “The Lancaster Event Center is a nationally recognized facility that has five interconnected buildings set on 160 acres. That will give us plenty of room for RV parking, seminars, indoor and outdoor exhibits, and all the other activities associated with an FMCA event,” said Doug Uhlenbrock, FMCA events director. “Plus, Lincoln is a vibrant capital city, and RV families and exhibitors will be able to explore all that it and the surrounding area have to offer.” Registration for the Nebraska convention will begin on February 26, 2020.
Looking beyond 2020, FMCA has set dates and locations for other upcoming Events. RV owners can mark their calendars for two events at what to date is FMCA’s most popular venue — the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia, which has hosted 11 FMCA conventions since FMCA’s 103rd International Convention and RV Expo will take place there March 10 through 13, 2021, and the 107th International Convention and RV Expo also is set for Perry, March 15 through 18, 2023. In addition, FMCA has scheduled a trio of events for another destination that has proven popular with FMCA members: Cam-Plex Multi-Event Facilities in Gillette, Wyoming, which has hosted two FMCA RV expos in recent years. The future Cam-Plex dates are as follows: July 7 through 10, 2021, 104th International Convention and RV Expo; July 17 through 20, 2024, 110th International Convention and RV Expo; July 14 through 17, 2027, 116th International Convention and RV Expo. More dates and locations will be added as plans progress. Meanwhile, all RV owners are invited to join the fun at “Sunsets + Saguaros” in Tucson, March 26 through 29, 2020

Passing of Owen Autry

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Owen Autry was Western Area President from 1996 – 1999.

Owen was born on August 7, 1930 and passed away on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.

Owen was a Navy veteran serving in the Korean War from 1948 to 1952.

Memorial Service was held November 16, 2019, 2:00 p.m. at Sacramento Memorial Lawn

Consider donating to the Wounded Warrior Project ( ).

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