Editor’s Notes from Hanford Sept 2017

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We had a pretty productive Western Motor Home Association Governing Board and Indio Rally Planning session at the Kings County Fairgrounds in Hanford these past few days.  Our leaders provided a hospitable environment (thank you Christine) and we got stuff done in record time.   The Western Area Rally team gained some enthusiastic new volunteer captains and it looks to be another great rally.  We will be saying goodbye to some other captains and we thank them for their service.

Not all was work, some early arrivals went to Superior Dairy for dessert Sunday night:

That’s right!  That’s 15 scoops of ice cream in a Banana Split… no wonder it’s a WMHA favorite spot in Hanford.  Ice Cream for a week.


— Editor

Presidents Notes…July 26, 2017

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Presidents Notes…
July 26, 2017
Hello from Pawhuska, OK
(Home of the Pioneer Woman…as seen on the Food Network)

Please help spread the word that the WMHA Viva Las Vegas rally registration is now open. We will also be celebrating our 30th Anniversary. For now there are two ways to register. 1. To register online go to FMCA.com> chapters/area> area rallies> then click on the register box. 2. To register by phone call HQ’s at 800-543-3622. A 3rd way will be by mail in registration form which will appear in the FMC magazine starting in October.

Start planning now for your Chapter’s pre-rally at Indio. And if you bring one third of your chapter (minimum of 10 coaches) we will give you an additional parking space, with electricity ($95 value), which you can use as a party site throughout the rally.

On Thursday an e-Blast will be sent to the Western, Northwestern, and Rocky Mountain Areas to inform everyone that Indio registration is now open.

Hope to see you all at the rally…January 10-14, 2018.
Lon Cross, F233066
FMCA National VP, Western Area
President, Western Motor Home Assoc.

PS: here’s a PDF of the form  WMHAReg_FMC1017

The Dolphins Chapter joins Western Area


The Dolphins, a National RV interest chapter has elected to move to Western Area affiliation. “A proposal … was presented to move our FMCA Chapter from International (INTO) to Western. After a lively discussion the club voted to accept the proposal as our membership feels a closer affiliation with the Western Area.”


And Dave Barr the President of The Dolphins chapter reports:  “I received a call today (11/3/15) from The President of FMCA Western Area to welcome the Dolphin Club into the FMCA Western Area. He is looking forward to meeting all of our Dolphin Club Members at upcoming rally’s. Our next Western Area rally will be at Indio, California.”

Here’s their latest newsletter: Dolphin-Splash-Newsletter-2015-11

Golden Spike Newsletters

The Golden Spike Chapter interest is railroads, and our venues are riding them. We normally cover the western states when we venture out for our rallies. Our members consist of Santa Fe families, others that worked for the railroad, and those who like model railroading. Most of our members just like to ride railroads and learn the history of them. If you are interested in joining us in the future, please contact our president listed below.   Contact: Daniel St. John F421001 Phone: 530-820-1100, 530-277-0686

GS July 2017


October 2015
June 2015
January 2015
November 2014
September 2014
June 2014

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