Sierra Ramblers

The Sierra Ramblers were formed in April 1991. We enjoy socializing, doing tours, playing games, doing crafts, and just having fun. Our Chapter is open to anyone who is a member of FMCA, and we meet every other month, February, April (Chapter Anniversary), June, August, October, and December. We hold our rallies at both fairgrounds and private campgrounds. We do volunteer each January at the Western Area (FMCA) rally in Indio. Most of our members are from Northern California as well as others from throughout the Western Area and some full-timers. We have a newsletter, "The Sierra Messenger" which is published bi-monthly, and also a website, If you would like to attend a rally, please join us as a visitor to "Check Us Out." Just contact us to register. If we can answer any further questions you might have about the Chapter, please contact our membership chairman, Claudia Wassather, at

Contact Information:

Claudia Wassather
(916) 804-0987

This Chapter information, along with contact information is posted on the FMCA website It is to be used only for chapter related inquiries. Any other use of this information is expressly prohibited.