Gold Diggers

The Gold Diggers use Sacramento, CA as home base and hold rallies within a 150 mile radius from there. We hold rallies every other month, with the exception of November and December when we have our Thanksgiving and Christmas rallies. Our chapter membership, by charter, is limited to forty coaches. This keeps us small, friendly, and manageable. Our chapter is very involved every year in the Western Area Rally in Indio, CA. We work as the Welcome Committee for the rally, and participate in the parade. Thus far we have won more parade trophies than any other chapter. We are a very friendly group and look forward to having fun.

Contact Information:

Betty Smith
(209) 786-9876

This Chapter information, along with contact information is posted on the FMCA website It is to be used only for chapter related inquiries. Any other use of this information is expressly prohibited.